November 12, 2024
I've actually been having a lot of fun building this website, which I'm grateful for. I have vague memories of customizing my MySpace and Tumblr pages, but I feel like I always gave up too soon. I was also 14 at most though, so I'm glad that I gave myself that base to work off of now.
There's still so much that I don't know, but I feel like it's all much easier to grasp now. Especially Javascript, which was the most frustrating thing in the world (and had way less functionality) back then. I've been working a lot with PowerShell at my job, which has given me a much better understanding how functions work in general.
I'm really glad this site is coming along so smoothly. As in, I spend an hour trying to get 1 element placed correctly sometimes, but everything seems to be doing exactly what I want it to so far.
I can't wait to add more things (especially putting together my little music player) and just start a collection of interesting things I find as I explore Neocities more and more. Hopefully we stay slow at work so that I can keep working on this while I'm here
Stay tuned for more blog posts :)